Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One more release before we come out with a whopper of a release.
Created by Dex Antares of Plastic Alchemist and cast by Cassette Man Studios, this set includes a sword and Glyos compatible head.
Available here!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello and welcome to Cassette Man Studios! Before you go ahead and question why I'm saying this now and not a number of posts before, it's because all those those previous posts were imported from my toy blog: Confessions of a Plastic Junkie.

So I've started this venture of doing my own toys because I dislike working for other people. I'd rather be my own boss than be in a place and situation where I might never settle in. Plus there's no dress code, so if I'm making toys at home, I could be in my underwear and no one could tell me that I shouldn't do that. Of course there's the down side that I have to be motivated but that's not really an issue as this is something I WANT to do.

Anyway, this blog is where I'll put anything that is related to the designer toy scene and my work here. I've got a webstore, Cassette Man Studios, where you can buy any of the toys I make that are for sale.

What follows are a few samples of what is currently available in the webstore.
They are made by various artists and cast by me. Though that doesn't mean I won't have my own work there.
I hope you like what you see and buy something. Thank you for you support! :)

Olympia head by Dex Antares and cast by CMS
Olympia head by Dex Antares and cast by CMS
Pug head by er0k26 and cast by CMS
Pug head by er0k26 and cast by CMS