Animus Wave 1
Standard Taa' lon
Battle Taa' lon
Tweety Taa' lon
Nightshade Taa' lon
Angry Taa' lon

 Animus Wave 2

Micro Blue 1 Taa' lon
Micro Yellow 1 Taa' lon
Micro Red 1 Taa' lon
Micro Purple 1 Taa' lon
Big Kev's Geek Stuff/ NYCC
Exclusive Taa' lon

 Animus Wave 2.5: The Lost NYCC Wave

Micro Cosmo Green Taa' lon
Micro Yellow 2 Taa' lon
Micro Cosmo Peach Taa' lon
Micro Purple 1 Taa' lon
Micro Orange Taa' lon
Micro Cosmo Green Taa' lon
Micro Pink Taa' lon
Micro Blue 2 Taa' lon
Jade Taa' lon

 Animus Wave 3: NYCC 2015
Reggie the Pigeon
Sor'Pan the Panther
NYCC 2015 Exclusive

 Animus Wave 4
Reggie the Pigeon Mk. 1.5
Sor'Pan the Panther Mk 1.5
Rah'Vagh the Jaguar

 Animus Wave 5
Surow'Pan the Panther 
Yd'wor the Rooster